Some Monday Links

Cowboy progressives (Aeon)

Gramsci’s Gift (Boston Review)

A Country of Their Own (Foreign Affairs)

America has captured France (UnHerd)

Why 1980s Oxford holds the key to Britain’s ruling class (Financial Times)


  1. The Mises-(Karl) Polanyi debate (on imperialism) reconsidered Eric Schliesser, Digressions & Impressions
  2. Racism, entrepreneurship, and love Conor Friedersdorf, Atlantic
  3. The new power brokers? Index funds and the public interest Sahand Moarefy, American Affairs
  4. The quiet collapse of Scottish unionism Scott Hames, New Statesman


  1. William T. Sherman’s reputation precedes him Susan-Mary Grant, History Today
  2. The urgency of racial disparities Arnold Kling, askblog
  3. On Marxist Tories Chris Dillow, Stumbling & Mumbling
  4. The theological roots of the secular world order Nathaniel Peters, Law & Liberty


  1. How Aztecs told history Camilla Townsend, Aeon
  2. What’s conservative about the NeverTrumpers? Ross Douthat, NY Times
  3. A policy failure Chris Dillow, Stumbling & Mumbling
  4. A vicious race war Kenan Malik, Guardian


  1. The American Dream after Covid-19 Paul Croce, Origins
  2. Marx has the last laugh Eric Lonergan, Philosophy of Money
  3. Some thoughts on “state capacity” Mark Koyama, NOL
  4. British socialism and the European Union Helen Dale, Law & Liberty


  1. Virus deaths in Democratic and Republican states James Rogers, Law & Liberty
  2. How fractured is the British left? Leontios Xenophilos, American Affairs
  3. An argument against moral blameworthiness Bill Rein, NOL
  4. Pity the poor stepmother Susan Hill, Spectator


  1. Report from suburban Wichita Laura Field, Open Society
  2. Winning the argument? (public spending) Chris Dillow, Stumbling & Mumbling
  3. Space exploration escalation Nick Nielsen, Grand Strategy Annex
  4. Machiavelli’s The Prince as libertarian canon Barry Stocker, NOL


  1. The hunt for human nature Erika Milam, Aeon
  2. The negative capability of a good legislator Federico Sosa Valle, NOL
  3. Is feminism responsible for the persistence of monarchy? Arianne Chernock, Public Books
  4. Poor white boys in present-day England Kenan Malik, Guardian


  1. Russia’s brief encounter with the sexual revolution Daniel Kalder, UnHerd
  2. The strange death of libertarian England Chris Dillow, Stumbling & Mumbling
  3. Did Iran’s missile attacks carry message for the Kurds? Dana Menmy, Al-Monitor
  4. A happy family beach in Puerto Vallarta Jacques Delacroix, Liberty Unbound


  1. The pernicious legacy of Vladimir Lenin Gary Saul Morson, New Criterion
  2. Mendacious fictions: left-wing anti-Semitism Rahul Rao, Disorder of Things
  3. Virtue signalling and vice signalling John Quiggin, Crooked Timber
  4. The GOP’s civil war continues to rage on Fred Barnes, Modern Age


  1. “It’s because of how memory works.” Chris Dillow, Stumbling & Mumbling
  2. How much progress have we actually made? Scott Sumner, MoneyIllusion
  3. Racism ripples through rural California’s pipes Jose Del Real, New York Times
  4. Margaret Sanger and the cult of racism Kevin Long, Claremont Review of Books


  1. What really happened at Troy? Daisy Dunn, Spectator
  2. How Britain disrespected its WWI soldiers from Africa David Lammy, Guardian
  3. Here’s why we can’t have nice things Chris Dillow, Stumbling & Mumbling
  4. On being edited by Barack Obama Adam Frankel, Literary Hub


  1. The spirits of 1989 Daniel McCarthy, Modern Age
  2. Trust cycles in politics Chris Dillow, Stumbling & Mumbling
  3. A profile of Christine Lagarde Hujer & Sauga, Spiegel
  4. Catholicism and its critics Tim Stanley, History Today


  1. Bosnia’s mosques without Muslims Colborne & Edwards, Los Angeles Review of Books
  2. China and the Ricardian vice Samuel Hammond, National Affairs
  3. The closing of the conservative mind John Gray, New Statesman
  4. Europe, not America, is home to the free market Thomas Philippon, the Atlantic


  1. Our multi-monopoly problem Robin Hanson, Overcoming Bias
  2. Patchwork as real world vectors Chris Shaw, Libertarian Ideal
  3. On Tory paradoxes Chris Dillow, Stumbling & Mumbling
  4. The argument from coherence Nicolas in Faith, All Along the Watchtower