
  1. Indigenous cultures and imperial Britain Madeline Grimm, Marginalia
  2. Law, property rights, and air pollution (pdf) Murray Rothbard, Cato Journal
  3. The importance of a Senate for republics Ioannis Evrigenis, Liberty Matters
  4. Disagree with this (no federation), but worth a gander Amartya Sen, Guardian


  1. Good piece on British imperial culture Ronjaunee Chatterjee, LARB
  2. How the Taliban won in Afghanistan Alec Worsnop, WOTR
  3. History’s glory, restored Spencer Klavan, Law & Liberty

How the abolition of slavery led to imperialism

I’ve been saying this for years, so it’s nice to see this out in the open. Behold:

Far from meaning the end of slavery as Western demand for enslaved persons fell, the 19th century saw slavery’s increase in West Africa as a different type of external demand arose. The abolition of the Atlantic slave trade north of the Equator in the first two decades of the 19th century transformed West African economies. It was one of the major factors in the series of economic crises and political revolutions that shaped West African politics until the advent of formal colonialism in the 1880s

This is from Toby Green, an excellent scholar of Africa in the UK.


  1. The Syrian intervention at 10 Paul Antonopoulous, (h/t Mark from Placerville)
  2. Pitting people against each other” (pdf) Waheed Hussain, P&PA
  3. The mythical war scare of 1983 Simon Miles, War on the Rocks
  4. History’s empire William Anthony Hay, Law & Liberty


  1. We need to talk about the British Empire Sunder Katwala, CapX
  2. Nazi political economy Pseudoerasmus
  3. Liberty isn’t free Irfan Khawaja, Policy of Truth
  4. Institutional oceanography Chris Shaw, Libertarian Ideal


  1. The Zulus, the British, and the military revolution of the 19th century Jacob Ivey, Age of Revolutions
  2. The British, the Holy Roman Empire, and diplomacy in the 17th century Philip Hitchings, British Interest


  1. Fastballs, Curveballs, and the Market Process — RIP Jerry Ellig Peter Boettke, Coordination Problem
  2. Hedge fund humbugs Chris Dillow, Stumbling & Mumbling
  3. Libertarian terrorists? Ron Paul, RPWC
  4. On blaming the British Empire David Crane, Spectator


  1. How bad was the British Empire? Katrina Gulliver, Spectator
  2. Extractive colonial economies Marty, et al, VoxEU
  3. The strange tale of Japan’s infamous novelist Thomas Graham, BBC
  4. Cosmopolitanism and internationalism Timothy Brennan, New Left Review


  1. Fighting famine in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands Ian Buruma, TLS
  2. The settler logics of (outer) space Deondre Smiles, Society + Space
  3. The corporate origins of judicial review (pdf) Mary Sarah Bilder, YLJ
  4. Misremembering the British Empire Maya Jasanoff, New Yorker


  1. ‘No coloureds, no Irish, no dogs’ Angelique Richardson, LRB
  2. The autonomous republic of Nakhchivan David McArdle, BBC
  3. Reading the Booker Prize finalists Paul Griffiths, Commonweal
  4. Joe Biden hates Clarence Thomas Damon Root, Reason


  1. Vienna: city of paradox Alexander Carpenter, Aeon
  2. The Vienna of Ludwig von Mises Schulak & Unterköfler, Mises Daily
  3. Empire of Abstraction: British anthropology Nile Davies, JHIblog
  4. Wealth and the life cycle Eric Crampton, Offsetting Behaviour


  1. Deepak Lal: Rest In Peace Kapil Komireddi, The Critic
  2. Why the French Revolution was so important Robert Blackman, Age of Revolutions
  3. The limits of fiction Katherine Voyles, War on the Rocks
  4. “Aspects of the New Right-Wing Extremism” Stuart Jeffries, Financial Times


  1. Collecting the dreams of imperial subjects Erik Linstrum, Aeon
  2. On NATO’s open door policy Emma Ashford, War on the Rocks
  3. Stalin’s Danish mystery Caroline Kennedy-Pipe, History Today
  4. Taleb’s distinction between “complicated” and “complex” Mark Cancellieri, askblog (comments)


  1. Hayek’s rapid rise to stardom David Glasner, Uneasy Money
  2. Why I am not a natural lawyer FH Buckley, Law & Liberty
  3. British Imperial Federation (pdf) William Smith, Political Science Quarterly
  4. The people who profited from the Trail of Tears Caitlin Fitz, Atlantic


  1. Our cities, our selves Jason Jewell, Modern Age
  2. Waiting for the wave to break Chris Bertram, Crooked Timber
  3. Midcentury life in the Soviet Union Alex Halberstadt, Literary Hub
  4. Britain’s colonial crimes and trade Jamil Anderlini, Financial Times