
  1. The communist who explained history Corey Robin, New Yorker
  2. On China’s new naval base in Cambodia Charles Edel, War on the Rocks
  3. Why Trumpist populism is so popular Emmanuel Todd, City Journal
  4. How the Soviets learned to think freely Jennifer Wilson, New Republic


  1. United States of Africa? Hakim Adi, History Today
  2. Eric Hobsbawm’s awkward embrace of the Establishment Geoffrey Wheatcroft, New Republic
  3. The philosopher who usurped Aristotle’s place in the Islamic world Peter Adamson, Times Literary Supplement
  4. Who are the real Kazakhs? Michael Griffin, Literary Review


  1. How Eric Hobsbawm remained a lifelong communist Richard Davenport-Hines, Spectator
  2. Chris Dillow’s favourite economics papers Chris Dillow, Stumbling & Mumbling
  3. The dark individualism of Watchmen Titus Techera, Law & Liberty
  4. The miracle we all take for granted Marian Tupy, CapX

Whither Hobsbawm’s Left?

Self-described socialist Mike Beggs writes:

Academic survival is, of course, cold comfort. Does Marxism have a political future? Hobsbawm is clearly not optimistic […] Those of us who have come so very late to the party, so to speak, inevitably have a different perspective. We discovered Marx long after the flaws of Marxism and “really-existing socialism” had become obvious, in a period of protracted recession in the labor movement. And yet, we still found something of value. Many, probably most, of us learned much of our Marx at university, deeply impressed by that intellectual flowering of the 1970s which Hobsbawm sees as the high-water mark. The course of his life has followed an epic rise and fall which naturally shapes his conclusions. For us, there is a lot more future to come.

You can read the rest of the article here. EJ Hobsbawm was a prolific Marxist historian, and I have come across his own work in my studies on national identity. You can find a decent list of his books here. RIP.