
  1. Rod Dreher is an unfamiliar figure in Britain Sebastian Milbank, the Critic
  2. Cosmopolitanism and International Economic Institutions” (pdf) Turkuler Isiksel, Journal of Politics
  3. In search of Islamic liberty Emina Melonic, Modern Age
  4. From Group Selection to Ecological Niches” (pdf) Jack Birner, Rethinking Popper

Assorted Links on Mormon Baptisms for the Dead

Eugene Volokh, a law professor at UCLA, says “so what?

Ari Cohen, a Political Scientist professor at the Univ. of Nebraska, says “how offensive!

Over at the American Conservative, Rod Dreher says “so what?

I’ve already gone over this myself, and I am sure that many, many other people have as well, but I just don’t see what is so offensive about baptizing dead people via proxy.  Yes, it is a bit condescending, but we are talking about religion here, right?

This seems to me to be a clear case of Leftist intolerance to other religions.  How many Leftists do you see decrying the Obama administration for forcing religious institutions to provide contraceptive care against their wishes?

The Left can often be good at protecting the freedom of religion, but Mormon proxy baptisms and forced payments for contraceptive care are examples where the Left errs.  And badly, too.